Sunday, 1 April 2012

Production Log - Entry 8

I have now completed all of the work for my magazine, next is my evaluation of which I have started on Question 1, will soon upload it onto slideshare and put on my blog.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Initial Drawings

Production Log - Entry 7

Another technical difficulty with the scanner, unable to upload previous drawings, trying to fix it asap.

Music Magazine Annotated

Equipment List

Music Magazine

Audience Profile

Textual Analysis of the Double Page Spread

Textual Analysis of Front Covers

Research Into Vintage Items

Contents Page Analysis

Production Log - Entry 7

Some technical difficulties with uploading the Vox pops successfully despite uploading them on to Soundcloud first, not entirely sure how to fix this problem.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Production Log - Entry 5

Over the past week and a bit I have been editing and completing my final copy of the magazine, finishing touches have been added, still waiting to upload work to my blog.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Production Log - Entry 4

Recently I have been editing my final copy of my music magazine, ensuring it is at its best ability, additionally I havent been posting many items up onto my blog as frankly there as been a tight time frame as the deadling is this friday. Editing of my double page spread, front cover and contents page are in process. Late last week I took my pictures of a friend, finishing of the double page article is also now done.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Production Log - Entry 3

Due to techinical difficulites I am unable to access Soundcloud at school, setting me slightly behind scehdule, however this has given me an oppotunity to expand my vox pops and ask more people of a smiliar age group. Work on my final artefact is on going, my front cover, contents page, double page spread I havent yet started producting however the article is in process. Images are still due to be taken by next week.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Production Log - Entry 2

So far on the production of my music magazine I have completed my vox pops, awaiting to upload it upon my blog, additionally work for my final magazine cover and contents page has started and photoshoots are due in the next few days.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Production Log - Entry 1

Today was our first lesson of practical work towards the production of my music magazine, in the previous lessons we had been planning the contents and designing the possible names and layout of my music magazine.

Music Magazine Task - Brief

For my coursework I have been asked to produce a music magazine containing a front cover which should be attractive and relative to my target audience and adhere to the conventions of my selected genre, I will find out by doing a questionnaire to a sample of people, some of different age groups to get a range of ideas which will help me select my final genre and features of the magazine, also the front cover should consist of a masthead which should be once again relevant to the genre of my choice as well as attractive, colourful and eye catching. My magazine will also contain a contents page which should have an interesting layout to the text and images that I will place on it as well as new and different features used. The double-page spread should contain relevant and have a decent proportion of text in relation to self taken images.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Preliminary Exercise: Front Cover And Contents Page - Initial Drawings

This was my initial design for the front cover of my magazine however i made many changes to it as time progressed and I done my own reasearch.

Originally this was the layout and contents desired for my contents pages however i havent changed  much about it except for the articles and used a picture of myself after it was cut and editied by using Photo shop.

School Magazine Front Page Proposal Form

The target audience for my school magazine at the end of the project remained the same of 11-16 year old, however the title changed from 'PRESTON MANOR HIGH SCHOOL' to 'PRESTON Gazette' i changed this as it is unique and isn't a traditional name for a school newsletter. I had originally planned to place a picture of the previous year 11 however as that school picture wasn't published therefore I replaced that idea with a self taken image of the front of the school building as my main image as well as three additional images of me and two other peers instead of the Ofstead logo and munch manor. I decided to use the school colours for my the title of my school magazine which are purple and turquoise and is clear to read, the technical considerations stayed the same, throughout the magazine i used Photo shop and a Canon Camera capture, edit and cut out the images that I have used on my magazine.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

The Preliminary Task: A Brief

For my media studies coursework i was asked to design a front cover and contents page for a school magazine which I was to name and create myself, this has helped me to become familiar with the software's needed. The shortcuts and techniques used to create this newsletter will favour me hugely as i have become more aware of the different techniques available to futher create my music magazine in which i  hope to use better more advance techniques. My newsletter was aimed for school children therefore i had to do research to acknowledge what is appreciated and liked by the school children, aged from 11-16. Hopefully my next project will be even better visually as I would have had more practice of the tools used to create a eyecatching and interesting magazine.

Questionnaire Data - Analysed

Sunday, 29 January 2012

What I Have Learnt - Evaluation

The process of creating a school magazine has helped me immensely, as now I have learnt how to use the software Photoshop to create realistic magazine covers and contents, which will benefit me hugely to produce a music magazine which will hopefully show any additional techniques that I may used to enhance the appearance and quality of my work. By having a brief on all the tools available before the project started it gave me more of an incentive to test and practice the tools.